最後通知 - 立即行動,避免未能於2024年9月30日前提交BVI年度申報而產生罰款
Further to our previous client alerts and newsletter, all BVI-registered companies are required to file an annual return with their registered agent. The annual return is required to be submitted together with balance sheet and income statement. For companies (with a financial year ending 31 December), the submission deadline is 30 September 2024.
按我們早前與您的提示和通訊, 所有在BVI註冊的公司都必須向其註冊代理提交年度申報。該申報包括基本資產負債表和損益表。以財務年度截至於12月31日的公司為例,提交期限為2024年9月30日。
The financials do not require to be audited and will be submitted with the annual return to the Registered Agent.
Key Filing Requirements
- The submission of annual return must be accompanied by income statement and balance sheet.
- 年度申報應包括簡單的損益表和資產負債表。
- The financials do not require to be audited.
- 損益表和資產負債表無需進行審計。
- The annual return must be attached to the prescribed format when submitting to the registered agent.
- 申報必須遵循規定格式,並提交至註冊代理。
Penalties and Important Notice
Failure to file the Annual Return before deadline will result in a penalty. From 1 October 2024, a penalty of US$300 will be imposed, and thereafter US$200 per month up to a maximum penalty of US$5,000.
未能按時提交申報將導致每月計算的罰款。 2024年10月1日起將徵收300美元的罰款,隨後每月將徵收200美元,最高罰款為5,000美元。
The respective company may subject to struck off and dissolved if the situation is not remedied. Accordingly, the BVI Registry will not issue certificates of good standing to companies who fail to comply with this requirement.
若情況不予糾正,相關公司可能被除名和解散。因此,BVI註冊處將不向未遵守此要求的公司發放良好信譽證書。 If the company has been imposed the maximum late filing penalty and the filing is not completed, the company may potentially be struck off by the registry, which would have a significant impact on the company's operations and account management. 當公司業已被處以最高逾期罰款且仍然未能完成申報時,除了無法符合良好存續之條件外,註冊處亦有可能將其公司除名,此將重大影響公司營運與帳戶操作。 Our Annual Return Preparation Service 我們的申報支援服務 We understand that this requirement is new and some BVI companies may be preparing financial statements for the first time. As such, we are pleased to offer our financial reporting support service, to assist and assure that all reportings are efficiently and timely accomplished. 我們的團隊明白部份BVI公司可能是首次準備財務報表。因此,我們樂意為您提供財務報表支援服務。我們經驗豐富的會計團隊能夠高效處理並提交您的BVI公司的年度申報,並確保您的年度申報有效率地完成。 Contact us now to learn more about our services. Act promptly to prevent penalties and maintain your company in good stand. Please also note that an additional 30% urgent handling fee will be applied for instructions received after 30 August 2024. 請立即與我們聯繫,以了解更多關於我們服務。立即採取行動,避免罰款,維護公司的良好聲譽。請注意,2024年8月30日後收到的訂單我們將額外收取30%的緊急處理費。 Contact Us 聯絡我們 Our team highly recommends that companies file their annual returns as soon as possible after the end of the relevant fiscal or calendar year. Please do not hesitate to email us or contact your account manager if you would like to know more about our service offering: info@sdgsolution.com. 我們團隊強烈建議公司在相應財政年度結束後盡快提交年度申報。 欲需了解更多我們提供的服務,請隨時以電郵與我們聯繫,或聯繫您的客戶經理: info@sdgsolution.com。